
Thursday, 12 April 2018

Hazel Why do we still need libraries

Why do we still need libraries?

Libraries have been around for 5,000 years and they are still serving the community today. While many are starting to question the usefulness of libraries as internet access increases around the world, the library is still an important community resource. Libraries contain information that helps a number of different people, they host educational classes and they are good for the environment.

Libraries contain information that is extremely helpful. They contain masses of books, articles, media and even e-books that the public can access for free. While some of this information can be found online, librarians are experts at finding information and the right books and articles. For example, librarians help doctors to find books about different diseases so that they can save lives. The library has so many books you are guaranteed to find one that suits your needs and the librarians will be there to help you to find it efficiently.

Libraries serve the community. Libraries do whatever they can to support different members of the community. For example, they provide free read-aloud sessions for young children and a range of classes for adults like computing and support for job applications. This means that libraries are helpful for all members of the community; from babies to the elderly. The library is still a great place to enjoy a book, but it provides so much more for the community than many people realise.

Libraries are good for the environment. This is because they purchase a limited number of items that many people can share. For example, people can borrow DVDs, magazines, and books rather than every person having to buy his or her own copy. Likewise, people can use shared computers, photocopiers, and even meeting rooms. This reduces the amount of waste that these people would create if they brought their own. It also promotes the idea of reusing or reselling items rather than throwing them away. As such, the library is a great example of an environmentally friendly establishment.

In conclusion, the library is a community hub that supports a range of people young and old. The library supports people to access information, to attend educational classes and promotes environmentally friendly practices such as reuse, reduce, recycle.

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