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Do dogs make better pets than cats?
Do you think that dogs are better pets than love able cats.
Well this essay will answer your question. It’s between two animals
that is related to the Canidae And Felidae . This writing will explain about dogs.
Dogs Vs cats
Which animal do you pick dog or cat.Well it’s a battle between
dogs and cats. It’s hard to pick one animal, well during this writing
it will tell which animal is the best. Even though dogs and cats can be
hard to pick but there will be dislike about them and like about them.
Dogs Might be THE BEST
Alright Dogs might be OK. Everyone loves dog,when a little child
wants a pet they want a Dog. Cause DOGs are the best. Dog’s have
lots of things that nobody knows about them. Dogs and people very joyful
to have a dog. If a great Dog was in a lost box what would you do?
Great hearings!!!!
Did you know that dogs have great hearing.They can hear far more than
a human being can. That’s far off the crazy thing ever been told. Dogs hear
FOUR time far, Dogs might have the same ears like the BFG. Dogs have a
hearing ability if you haven’t heard that fact before. Even though when puppies
are born they are deaf. But weeks and months They could be able to hear.
I can smell your Feelings = Dogs
Did you or have you ever seen your pet dog sense you when you are sad.
Dogs have hidden senses. That you haven’t noticed yet. When your feeling
any emotion your dog will sense that feeling your are reacting and will
solve your problem and comfort you.
Quick Summary about dogs:
What this essay just explain is about dogs. In this writing it just explain
cool facts about Dogs . Dogs have great ears and have a good nose.
And have feelings for their owner.